YOKO LEE李麗芳|台灣畫家・草月流花藝家,擅長以豐富的色彩、靈活的筆觸、輕巧帶有童真的架構,展現對生活和大自然的熱愛,屢次受邀在台灣與日本展出。這裡集結藝術家YOKO李麗芳的畫作,從寫意到抽象、從花卉靜物到大地萬象,展現豐富多樣的創作能量。


李麗芳YOKO1942-2023 台灣畫家・草月流花藝家Taiwanese Painter and Sogetsu Ikebana Artist

李麗芳 YOKO1 1942-2023 台灣畫家照片一

李麗芳YOKO1942-2023 台灣畫家・草月流花藝家Taiwanese Painter and Sogetsu Ikebana Artist


生於台灣新竹市,自幼即顯露對藝術的天賦與興趣,就讀淡江中學時,受到留日畫家陳敬輝老師的啟蒙,開啟繪畫創作之路。 留學日本文化服裝學院期間,開始學習草月流花藝,沉浸於其自由奔放的風格,抽象的手法與豐富的光影,間接影響她後續的創作。

Born in Hsinchu, Taiwan, Yoko had shown her interest and talent in art since childhood. Inspired by her teacher, Chen Jing-Huei, a Japan-trained painter, at Tamkang High School, Yoko began creating her own works ever since then. While studying at Bunka Fashion College in Tokyo, Japan, Yoko also started learning Sogetsu ikebana (flower arrangement), whose free-spirited style, abstract expression and emphasis on the interplay of light and shadow subsequently influenced her works.

李麗芳 YOKO1 1942-2023 台灣畫家照片二


回台後重拾畫筆,並向國際知名藝術家吳炫三學習,形塑出她在繪畫上的風格:豐富的色彩、靈活的筆觸、輕巧帶有童真的架構,跳脫傳統學院的框架,展現個人浪漫的藝術家性格,並帶有一股自信的神采。 逾五十年的創作生涯,初期的作品取材自熟悉的花卉與靜物,以寫意的形式表現,「綻放」、「遠方」系列多為這個時期的作品。 中期開始抽離形狀,強調以色彩表達內心世界,無論是以抽象的線條為主的「律動」,或是揮灑於方寸之間的「微觀」,都極具感染力。 後期在畫風與創作數量皆達至高峰,成為個人創作印記的「符號」系列,挑戰大型作品的「無界」,屢次受邀在台灣與日本展出。

After returning to Taiwan, Yoko studied oil-painting under A-Sun Wu, an internationally renowned artist, and developed her own style: vibrant colors, vigorous strokes and a childlike yet playful structure. This breakaway from conventional academic framework demonstrates the characteristics of Yoko as a romantic and confident artist. With an art career spanning over 50 years, Yoko’s early works often depict flowers and still life familiar to her day-to-day life in an expressive fashion. Most of the pieces in the “Blossoming” and “Faraway” series were created during this period. Yoko then began de-constructing shapes and focused on using colors to reflect her inner world. Emotionally impactful, both the series of “Rhythmic”, characterized by abstract lines, and of “Micro”, represented by numerous small-scale paintings, are typical of this period. Yoko’s artistic capacity culminated in her late works, which are included in the series of “Symbolic” and “Boundless”—in the latter, Yoko challenged herself by painting in large scale. They were invited by art galleries and museums in Taiwan and Japan for exhibitions.


    1. 首次個展
      台北 百家藝術空間
    2. Solo Exhibition|Bai Jia Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
    1. 三人聯展
      台北 百家藝術空間
    2. Trio Exhibition|Bai Jia Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
    1. 第二次個展
      台北 百家藝術空間
    2. Solo Exhibition|Bai Jia Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan
    1. 「花.飛花」李麗芳畫展
      新竹 辛志平校長故居講堂
    2. ‘Flying Flowers’ Solo Exhibition|Hsin Chihping Former Residence, Hsichu, Taiwan
    1. 第67回現代藝術展 作品「紫色の夢」
    2. The 67th Exhibition of Modern Art Association|Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Japan
    1. 第68回現代藝術展 作品「紫と黃色の踊り」
    2. The 68th Exhibition of Modern Art Association|Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Japan
    1. 青春,在身邊
      桃園 聯新國際醫院 聯新藝文中心
    2. ‘Youth with Me’ Solo Exhibition|Landseed International Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
    1. 第69回現代藝術展 作品「リリーの踊」
    2. The 69th Exhibition of Modern Art Association|Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Japan
    1. 第70回現代藝術展 作品「混沌」
    2. The 70th Exhibition of Modern Art Association|Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Japan
    1. 第72回現代藝術展 作品「波瀾の中」
    2. The 72nd Exhibition of Modern Art Associatio|Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Japan